Meisner Journal 7.30.24

We left for vacation the day after class last week, so I didn’t get a chance to journal. Class last night was cancelled, so I will try to recollect my thoughts from last week. I did both of my exercises with Mariyah. She did the IA in the first one, with me doing the AP.… Continue reading Meisner Journal 7.30.24

Meisner Class Journal 7.18.24

It took a few days before I was able to journal about Monday’s class, so my thoughts may not be as clear. Bill Simmons showed up as our Guest Repeater. Overall I think it went better than the first time we had a guest repeater. It was interesting working with Bill. He clearly is very… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 7.18.24

Meisner Class Journal 7.9.24

Last night was the first night working with both an independent activity as well as an action problem. I was partnered with Alex, who I enjoy working with. We ended up going first, with me doing the IA and Alex with the AP. We had decided that we were romantic rivals who were going on… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 7.9.24

Meisner Class Journal 7.2.24

I’m feeling a bit lost in class. Kind of like I don’t know that I’m fully understanding some of the exercises, even though I thought I did. Last night I used blowing up balloons and making a T-Rex sculpture from them as my IA. One comment that did make sense was that it was not… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 7.2.24

Meisner Class Journal 6.25.2024

“You’re so…FRENCH!” We continued with Independent Activity work last night. I had brought in two options, and decided to go with the one that involved a lost lottery ticket. Alex was my repeater. Overall I felt like the activity went well. I definitely felt filled up with the circumstances, to the point where it took… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 6.25.2024

Audition Failure

Last night I attended the season auditions for American Lives Theatre. I have not auditioned for anything in quite some time, probably since my audition for the Meisner class last fall. The audition consisted of sides provided ahead of time. I had read the scripts for the two plays I was interested in, and had… Continue reading Audition Failure

Meisner Journal 6.18.24

We continued with Independent Activities last night. I had re-crafted one of my activities which I have not yet done, and then crafted another activity. Unfortunately last night I didn’t get a chance to present either, but I was able to be the repeater with Christine. I love working with her. She’s very committed and… Continue reading Meisner Journal 6.18.24

Meisner Class Journal 6.11.24

We all brought in our independent activities last night. I had brought in two possibilities: needing to blow up 100 balloons for a kids birthday party, and separating lentils from rice to avoid starving. The activities were both good, as were the trigger events and the Hot Whos, however the one thing I forgot to… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 6.11.24

Meisner Class Journal 6.4.24

Last night Jolene introduced an independent activity to our repetitions. An independent activity is an activity or task that must be completed with an obstacle inherent to the activity that prevents it from getting completed. It is tied to a trigger event and hot who, and serves to get the actor with the activity out… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 6.4.24

Meisner Class Journal 5.21.24

Last night we had a guest repeater. Georgeanna Smith Wade joined us and over the course of 75 minutes or so repeated with all of us. It was a lot of fun to have someone who has been using the technique for a long time work with us, and it definitely brought some exciting energy… Continue reading Meisner Class Journal 5.21.24