Eric Bryant

Meisner Journal 8.6.24

Last night we had a guest repeater, Becky Larson. I ended up going first, which can sometimes be intimidating when you don’t know the person you are repeating with. Becky is very quick and can pick up on behavior sometimes that you are not aware you are exhibiting, but other times it felt like she was commenting on her own behavior rather than mine. I noticed that several of us did that last night, myself included. When she would call out a behavior that confused me, though, I found myself trying to figure out if I were exhibiting that behavior or if she was misreading me. This led to me being in my own head (not leaving myself alone) several times throughout the exercise. That said, I thought overall I repeated well and for the most part allowed her behavior to affect me and trusted the exercise. I did think to myself afterward that going back and doing some repeating without circumstances would be fun.

After our post-mortem and break we moved into the classroom and were able to get through most of the last round of Action Problems. Since Paige was out, Joseph didn’t get to go, but since I’m in tech next Monday I’m glad that he will have someone to partner with. Jolene introduced the next skill: the Double Action Problem. The big change is that now the person entering the room will need to do two of the activities before they can leave (find something, leave something, or change something). Joseph has already sent me three options for him doing the IA. I need to come up with mine.

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