Meisner Class Journal 9.17.24

It was a Full Harvest Super Moon last night, and I was feeling it. Or maybe it was the cough syrup I’m taking. Whatever it was, I was not feeling engaged in class last night, so not sure I have much to journal about.

One thing I have noticed, and want to get out of my head, is that there are some students in the class who seem to miss class regularly. There may be good reasons for that, and since I am not privvy to everyone’s circumstances I don’t want to speculate on why they are missing classes. I just know that it is disruptive when they are partnered with someone who shows up on a regular basis. Last night it affected me personally, but I am not the only one. I overheard Megan saying that she hadn’t been able to present an exercise in a couple of weeks because her partners are out.

I know that there will be times when I will miss class, but I hope to let both Jolene and my potential scene partners know in advance when that is going to happen so that they can be prepared.

Anyway, I don’t want to wallow in the negativity. Like I said, I’m feeling out of sorts. I just hope that writing about it helps get it out of my head.

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