Meisner Class Journal 3.6.25

On Monday we did full exercises using the text. Fortunately we were able to carry scripts this week, as I am having a difficult time memorizing this scene. Not sure why. Of course, carrying the script brings with it an additional set of challenges…it’s difficult to be fully present and leave yourself alone with a script in your hand. I’m really hoping that I have it down by next week.

I’m working with Deb from a previous class. It’s been interesting working with someone who I have not gotten to know over the past year, and I realize how much trust and familiarity influences the work. We were able to meet in person for lunch on Sunday prior to class, and that was really beneficial both for working through the script as well as developing trust.

One interesting thing about this scene is that not only are several different characters referenced, but also there are a lot of circumstances specific to the time period that are addressed. For the purposes of this exercise we don’t get a chance to fully explore them. I do need to work on my relationship to the other characters, though (in Meisner-speak, give them Hot Whos), so that there is a visceral reaction to each when they are mentioned.

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